Saturday, September 22, 2012

Folders for drawings - grade 6

Every student made a folder to contain his drawings (in Italy is very difficult to find the useful sketchbooks  that are used in UK!), and every grade has a different goal to achieve. So, I prepared three different types of folder. This one is for the grade 6 pupils, with a textures frame.

Nelle classi prime abbiamo cominciato a decorare quella che sarà la nostra cartelletta per i disegni: la cornice e il testo sono disegnate con diverse texture a pennarello. Come potete vedere i nostri ragazzi hanno davvero lasciato spazio alla fantasia!


  1. I love these covers. We make our own sketchbooks out of inexpensive materials and rubberbands and these covers are beautiful! I must remember this ~ thanks for sharing!

  2. I really like the black & white /color contrast - very effective :)

  3. ciao, bentornata. Buon lavoro anche quest'anno. Ci vediamo sul blog.
