Friday, November 23, 2012

Colored Bulbs

Another simple exercise with primary colors!
We copied different kinds of bulbs drawing them with a black permanent marker. Each bulb is superimposed on another to have some areas where the colors overlap. 

First we painted with watercolor yellow, then red and finally we overlayed the blue.

Eventually we painted a gray stripe on the metal part of the bulb to simulate the shine of metallic material. (You could also paint a black background to bring out the colors)


  1. I am always looking for new ways to teach/show colour mixing- this is perfect!! What are those pens/markers you are using? (photos 4 and 5)- I've never seen them before; they look so cool.

    1. Hi Miss! thank you for the comment! I used a permanent black marker, any kind of it that you can find in a stationery will be good, the most important thing is that it must be Water-resistant and with a round tip.

  2. Ciao Miriam!!! Ottieni sempre splendidi risultati ... favolosa l'idea delle lampadine ..sei una prof. veramente creativa!!!!

    1. ciao Patrizia! Grazie! tutte idee semplici e realizzabili! ti auguro come sempre buon lavoro a te, ti seguo sempre!

  3. I made a similar collaborative lesson using overlapping hands. The students loved it. This lesson you've done allows for colour mixing, very smart. Thanks.

    1. good idea! I even made using overlapping bottles and glasses, like a “Murano’s glasses shop”... I’ll show you in a next post! Thanks for your comment!

  4. You are so amazing... I just voted nominated you for a blog award. I use your ideas all the time and wanted to say thanks! Please see the following blog ( to see you nomination but this is what I wrote...

    Here's another ROCK'n blog... http://arteascuola-miriampater...
    Artascuola is Italian blog and one that I rely on for fresh ideas. Miriam Paternoster has been VERY open to sharing her ideas and lesson plans. The pictures on this blog are amazing! One of my favorite blogs by FAR!

    Thanks a TON!

    1. Thanks a lot!!!! I’m very happy to follow you, I’m always interested in your posts because you are one of my favorite blogger!!! (you taught me so many things about blogs!) My husband asked me when we go to USA to visit you!!! (It sounds good!)
